Lower Back Adjustment

If you’re suffering from lower back pain, here is how our NYC Chiropractor, Dr.  Philip Wang, is performing a lower back adjustment.

Chiropractic Adjustment Lower Back for Treating Pain and Stiffness

We have used chiropractic adjustments for many years, at Injury Doctor NYC, to heal low-back pain, musculoskeletal pain and stiffness caused by various injuries or a sedentary life.

Millions of people all over he world are using chiropractic techniques as a pain management strategy and also to relax and feel energized. It’s amazing how manual adjustments are so effective for treating lower back pain, lumbar herniated disks, neck pain and other similar conditions.

When suffering from non-specific chronic low back pain, don’t just hit the medicine cabinet or consider surgery. In most cases our talented chiropractic team can work wonders and provide long-lasting pain relief and help you regain mobility.

What’s even better, here, in the US, most insurances cover this type of treatment, so there is no reason to postpone pain relief any longer. Take a quick look to see what insurances we accept. Even better, give us a call at (718) 461 5900 to see exactly how we can work together for your well-being.

Why Do Patients Need Lower Back Adjustments?

The main reason is pain. 

Sometimes, chronic pain is so hard to go through, that it also brings a reduced range of motion, loss of sleep, partial disability from doing normal chores or going to work.

The pain our patients experience, in their lumbar region or lower back can sometimes be so intense, it’s like they are being stabbed or burned. Some of our patients have described this pain as smasms, others experience it as a dull ache.

Because of this pain, patients cannot move properly anymore and they will avoid certain positions / moves that cause suffering. Reduced mobility and stiffness are normal for lowe back adjustment candidates, who soon find out they cannot bend over, roll over in their bed or reach a certain object.

The chiropractic treatment solves all these issues: it’s an excellent pain treatment solution and, by providing a proper alignment, our patients can have a better posture and resume their everyday tasks.

We don’t just treat various types of pain, but our chiropractor allows patients to learn proper posture, and regain full mobility in order to promote a healthier lifestyle.

What Happens During a Lower Back Adjustment?

Here is how Dr. Philip Wang performs a lower back adjustment.