The Most Common Car Accident Injuries

Car accident injuries - what are the most common auto accident injuries, what are the symptoms and how you can get treatment and a fair compensation.

Most people drive to work every day. However, driving is a dangerous affair. According to the NHTSA, there are more than 6 million car accidents every year. Not all accidents are fatal – some will result in no car accident injuries, others result in minor vehicle accident injuries and others turn deadly.

Auto accident injuries are common with people in passenger cars, trucks, and motorcycles. 

The nature of the injury from the crash depends on the speed of the vehicles, location of the injury, the nature of the collision, and the safety devices and their deployment in the vehicles involved.

Car Accident Injuries Symptoms

After an accident, the injured might have cuts and scrapes. These are minor injuries that may require stitching. In some cases, a bandage will do. The first aider will assess the exposed wound for signs of injuries resulting from flying debris.

There are symptoms that might not be apparent immediately after the accident. If you suffer a concussion, for instance, the symptoms might delay for a while. A concussion occurs when the brain hits the skull when the head jerks back and forth quickly. In such a case, you might feel dizzy most of the time. Even if you have a mile concussion, you need to see a doctor for treatment as the concussion might impact the rest of your life.

Other symptoms might include pain in the neck from a whiplash, swelling of parts, darkening of the skin from internal injuries, and headaches. 

Car Accident Injuries That Require Surgery

Some of the accidents that might need a surgical procedure include:

  • Brain Injuries – A car wreck can leave you with brain trauma. The trauma can be mild or can lead to traumatic brain injury. 
  • Internal Trauma – This occurs when internal organs puncture or crush, or when one develops internal bleeding. Internal bleeding is common in the chest, abdomen, and the brain. Either of these cases is considered a medical emergency that needs immediate attention. 
  • Knee Injuries – These injuries are common in car-motorcycle accidents.  The accident might include broken bones or torn ligaments. When the knee develops a major injury, a surgical knee replacement may be necessary.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries – The impact from a car accident can cause displacement of discs resulting in herniated discs, spondylolisthesis, or compression fractures. A spinal cord surgery comes in handy in some cases to prevent paralysis.

Minor Car Accident Injuries

Minor car accidents are typically injuries to the soft tissue. The injuries damage your muscles, ligaments, or tendons. Other injuries include first degree burns, sprains, contusions, abrasions, minor or moderate discomfort from whiplash, and strain.  

These injuries may not require you to spend more than a few hours or a few days in the hospital as you can recuperate at home. They also do not require any surgery to treat and you will be back in shape after a few days or a week. 

Car Accident Injuries Statistics

According to the NHTSA, there were 36,096 fatalities resulting from motor vehicle accidents in 2019. The agency notes that the number of fatalities has reduced by 2 percent from 2018. In 2019, the vehicle miles traveled, VMT, increased by 0.8 percent from 2018. This means that there were 1.10 fatalities in 100 million VMT.

The CDC estimates that more than 32,000 people die in road accidents while an additional 2 million people sustain injuries each year. It also notes that one out or three crash deaths involve a drunk driver and another one in three involves speeding drivers.

Life-Threatening Car Accident Injuries

Below are life-threatening injuries from a car crash:

  • Blunt and penetrating neck or head injury
  • Penetrating injuries on the abdomen
  • Fractured ribs or skull
  • Major joint dislocation
  • Internal bleeding

Some of the symptoms that show you may have any of the above conditions include:

  • Inflammation
  • Confusion
  • Slurred speech
  • Lightheadedness
  • Decreased blood pressure
  • Stiffness of joints
  • Loss of vision
  • Weakness
  • Intense pain
  • Bloody vomit
  • Bloody bowel movements
  • Bloody urine
  • Shortness of breath

Car Accident Injuries And Compensation

After an accident, no matter how mild the accident is, call the police to get an official record. Take the official police report and have it ready to file for compensation. You can hire an injury lawyer to help you file the claim. To file your claim, you need to have evidence of injury. Go for a medical examination so the doctor can assess the severity of the injury. The lawyer can help collect evidence in form of photos and witness statements. 

In most cases, the cases settle out of court. The payouts will depend on the nature of the injuries and the case. For instance, a mild ankle injury can attract a compensation of about $12,000.  

How Have Car Accident Injuries Changed Over The Years?

The number of accidents and fatalities has reduced even as the number of cars and vehicle miles traveled has gone up. The highest number of deaths was in 1937 when there 30.8 deaths per a population of 100,000. Today, the number of deaths is about 12.0 per 100,000 people. The number of injuries has also reduced significantly. 

What Type of Doctors Can Treat Your Car Accident Injuries

When treating accident injuries, our medical team uses a complex multi-disciplinary approach. Here are the main doctors you will find at Injury Doctor NYC:

Worst Injuries From Car Crash

Some of the injuries considered the worst include:

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Spinal cord injuries 
  • Facial injuries
  • Internal organ damage
  • Back and neck injuries

If you suffer any accident injury, even mild car accident injuries, see a doctor immediately.  Our New York injury doctors will help treat your injuries and document your treatment and case, in order to receive the best compensation you deserve. Call us now to schedule your initial consultation: (718) 461 5900

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