Thoracic Spine Adjustment | Injury NYC Chiropractic

Need thoracic spine adjustment? See how our NYC chiropractor, Dr. Philip S. Wang, is performing a simple and effective adjustment.

A thoracic spine adjustment is a type of chiropractic care that focuses on the thoracic spine, which is composed of 12 vertebrae. A thoracic spine adjustment can be done using various methods such as mobilization, manipulation and/or soft tissue techniques.

The thoracic spine plays an important role in providing stability to the body and it also helps with breathing by controlling the rib cage. Thoracic spinal adjustments are often used for conditions such as pain in the neck or back, headaches and migraines, asthma and other lung problems.

It is also a common treatment for our injury patients. Whether you suffered from car accident injuries, sports or work related accidents, you will most likely need chiropractic care.

In this blog post we will go over how to do a thoracic spine adjustment so you don’t have to worry about getting one from your chiropractor.

Thoracic Spine Adjustment Video

What Does a Thoracic Adjustment Do?

A thoracic adjustment is a specific type of manual spine manipulation that can help with some types of neck and shoulder pain.

When the thoracic spine (middle back) moves out of place or gets stuck in one position, it may cause pressure on the nerves that lead to the shoulder and arm.

A thoracic adjustment can put pressure on those nerves, moving the thoracic spine back into its proper position so it isn’t pressing against them anymore.

What Causes Tight Thoracic Spine?

Common reasons for back pain are not sitting correctly and having a sedentary lifestyle. These can often happen when people sit at their desks for a long time, especially if they have their arms stretched forward, like on a computer.

The thoracic spine can also get tight after sustaining injuries: from sports, work or car accidents.

Since our injury doctors deal with a lot of such cases, many of our patients heal better and faster by also getting chiropractic care.


The Benefits of Car Accident Chiropractic Care

The Main Benefits of a Thoracic Spine Adjustment

A thoracic spine adjustment is a chiropractic technique that can benefit you in many ways.

The thoracic spine affects the ribs, vertebrae and muscles throughout your back, which provide support for both arms as well as overall posture. When this area of the body becomes misaligned or injured, it may cause pain to be felt in the thoracic region or even down your arms. Some people also experience pain and discomfort with breathing after a thoracic spine injury, which is why it’s important to get treated by an experienced chiropractor like Dr. Philip S. Wang from Injury Doctor NYC.

What does a thoracic spine adjustment do for you?

  • alleviates chronic back pain
  • restores proper movement of the thorax
  • can aid respiratory function when injured

Whether you’ve been injured in an accident or just had an improper posture for years, this simple and effective chiropractic treatment will help you feel and function better.