What to Do after a Car Accident Not Your Fault

What to do after a car accident not your fault in New York City. Got into a car accident? Find out what to do, even if it's your fault.

That split-second moment immediately after a car accident can be confusing. During this moment, adrenaline may kick in, and you may not feel the pain. It is important to seek medical attention immediately after an accident, because chances are you have suffered from car accident injuries, even if the adrenaline rush is hiding them at the moment.

It is time-consuming to deal with your auto insurance provider following a car accident. It can even be worse if you have no idea about the events that led to the accident. Even if it was your fault, the incident report should be consistent with your claims for your insurer to compensate you. As New York is a no-fault state, it means that, even if you caused the accident, you are entitled to compensation to cover for your medical bills, lost wages and car damages.

Of course, in order to achieve this, you need the help of an experienced car accident doctor.

Here are some of the steps you should take immediately after a car accident that is not your fault:

Report to the nearest police

After an accident, you should try to maintain your cool and call the nearest police. It is usually the responsibility of the driver who crashed into your vehicle to call the police. However, you should also ensure you contact the traffic police to assess the scene of the accident. The police report will be critical when you are laying your claims to the insurance company. When a motorist discovers that he is at fault, they may be reluctant to report the incident.

Even if they know the insurance company would compensate them, the party at fault might not want an added fine.

Collect all the crucial details on the scene of the accident

It is important to collect the full details of the other motorist at the scene of the accident. You must collect details like:

  • Name of the person who was driving when the accident occurred.
  • The address of the other driver.
  • Name and insurance policy details of the other motorist
  • Details of any individual who witnessed the accident.

Use your phone to take some photos of the scene of the accident. Take a clear image of the vehicles as they are. Do not move your car after the accident. If the vehicles have to be moved from the scene, make sure you take a photo of both vehicles’ damages.

The above information will help you build your case and confirm the claim that it was not your fault.

Notify your insurance provider

First, you should inform your insurance provider about the accident. The insurance provider will advise you on the necessary procedures that you should follow, especially when the accident was not your fault.

Next, you should also inform the insurer of the person who caused the accident. You must tell them that you have been involved in an accident with one of their policyholders. Be careful only to report the accident facts even if it is clear that the other person was in the wrong. Stating the truth of the incident will help the insurer and the authorities to establish who was responsible for the damages caused by accident.

The insurer will collect the police report, witnesses and drivers reports, and any other physical evidence on the site to build the case.

Report the incident to your employer

When you have been involved in an accident on your way to your workplace, it simply means that you will skip work for the day or for the period in which you will be under treatment for the injuries. It is important also to notify your employer immediately. If the other driver is at fault, your lost wages should also be claimed on the at-fault insurer. The amount that you will be paid for the lost time will be dependent on the limit on their policy. Some insurers have high limits that will cater to all your medical bills and associated wage loss.

Additionally, depending on the states that you reside in, if you are in a no-fault state, then your PIP coverage will cater for the lost wages to the maximum amount that your policy allows.

Seek the help of an injury doctor

Sometimes the incident may be complicated that the other driver’s insurance policy refuses to take responsibility. In this case, you may be required to hire an attorney to help you in the legal processes to settle the case. Your attorney will interrogate the reports from the police, the witness, and the victims and help you push for your compensation.

Leaving the legal side apart, the most important thing is to get well and recover from your injuries. In this case, working with an experienced car injury doctor will make the difference. You will need orthopedic, chiropractic and physical therapy at least, which means a car accident clinic can really make a difference. We pride ourselves with exceptional doctors and an impeccable track record of patients who healed and also got the compensation they deserved.

If you were involved in a car accident, even if it was your fault or not, please feel free to call us and schedule a consult.