Best Auto Accident Doctors in New York City

Injured in a car accident? You'll need our experienced auto accident doctors in New York City to help with healing and documentation.

Life after a car accident is not easy. You already have to deal with a lot of issues: repairing the car and dealing with the car insurance companies. On top of this you suffer from car accident injuries and need immediate medical attention.

While our NYC auto accident doctors won’t be able to repair your car, we’ll surely to our best to heal your injuries and help with your medical claims.

What is an accident doctor?

An accident doctor is specialized in accident injuries, can easily diagnose all kinds of traumas, prescribe the proper treatment and also document your case, in order to be successful in your insurance claim.

There are many special types of such doctors:

Find out what to do after you have suffered from a car accident injury.

What do auto accident doctors treat?

Car injury doctors can usually help with:

  • Head injuries and concussions, soft tissue injuries;
  • Neck and back injuries including whiplash, herniated disc and disc bulge
  • Broken bones including ribs, arms, legs and hips
  • Lacerations and bruises from the car crash.

The car crash doctor will handle stitching up lacerations or bruises as well as any broken bones that may need a cast. This is also covered by auto insurance as part of your medical treatment as long as you take them to auto accident doctor New York City.

What are the symptoms of auto accident back pain?

Car accidents most often cause injuries to the neck, midsection or lower spine. Symptoms include:

  • Pain that radiates into one leg or arm
  • Weakness in the legs
  • Numbness and tingling in different parts of the body
  • Difficulty walking, standing up straight or performing normal daily activities (walking upstairs, getting out of a chair)

Do I need to see a doctor after a car accident?

Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Yes, please do so.

There are auto accident injuries that may not show up for days or even weeks after the car accident, which can affect your ability to sue for damages.

Even if we don’t go this far, as to try understand what will happen in weeks/months from your car accident, most of the time your injuries will worsen after few hours since the impact. At first the adrenaline rush or your rush to get to your initial destination, will mask the injuries. You’ll want to get over with all the police reports and issues and go where you were supposed to arrive, before the accident.

You’ll think “hey, I’m OK”, but in few hours or 2-3 days you’ll actually realize you are not feeling well at all.

It’s common to wait until your auto insurance company settles with you before seeing a doctor about auto accident-related injuries. However, this is not recommended as it can hurt any potential claims you make against the other party if there are long-term effects of the auto injury. An auto collision doctor will be able to give you professional advice on whether or not your claim would hold up in court and how serious your injuries really are.

Most importantly, once the medical bills start coming, you’ll want them handled by the auto insurance company, not to come out of your pocket.